OpenAI recently lifted the veil on GPT-4o, a revolutionary artificial intelligence model that combines text, audio and image processing capabilities in real time. This major technological breakthrough paves the way for more natural, fluid and efficient interactions.

Chat gpt 4o ia that redefines multimodal interaction

Key features of GPT-4o

Multimodal integration

GPT-4o is capable of accepting as input combinations of text, audio, image and video, and generating output in these same formats.

This unprecedented flexibility opens up new perspectives for a variety of applications, ranging from voice assistance to creation of multimedia content to simultaneous translation or complex data analysis.

Speed and responsiveness

GPT-4o is capable of responding to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, with an average of 320 milliseconds, aresponse time comparable to that of a human in a conversation.

This outsized speed significantly improves the user experience, especially in applications requiring real-time interactions, such as chatbot conversation or remote assistance.

Linguistic performance

On English text and coding, GPT-4o matches the performance of GPT-4 Turbo, OpenAI’s predecessor.

But that’s not all: GPT-4o also offers significant improvements in non-English languages, thanks to a new tokenization system that reduces the number of tokens needed to represent a sentence.

This innovation improves text comprehension and generation in foreign languages, which is a major challenge for AI.

Technical improvements

Unique, end-to-end model

In contrast to previous versions of OpenAI that used multiple models to transcribe, process and render audio, GPT-4o has been trained as a single model capable of handling all input and output modalities in an integrated way.

This innovative approach allows for better retention of context and nuance in interactions, which is essential for natural and effective communication.

Vision and audio performance

GPT-4o excels in visual and audio comprehension, outperforming existing benchmarks.

For example, it is able to interpret complex images and provide detailed descriptions, which is useful for content creation or data analysis.

Similarly, it is capable of understanding conversations with multiple interlocutors, which is essential for use in corporate or collaborative contexts.

Evaluations and performance

Chat gpt 4o text evaluation


GPT-4o has been evaluated on a large number of tasks and benchmarks, and the results are impressive.

It achievesperformance comparable to GPT-4 Turbo in terms of text, reasoning and coding, and sets new standards in auditory and visual comprehension.

These results show that GPT-4o is a very powerful and versatile AI model, capable of adapting to a wide range of applications.

Tokenization and compression

GPT-4o’s new tokenization system significantly improves AI efficiency by reducing the number of tokens needed to represent a sentence.

This innovation gains speed and accuracy, while reducing the size of the data to be processed.

In addition, GPT-4o uses advanced compression techniques to optimize memory and bandwidth utilization, which is essential for large-scale use.

Safety and limitations

Integrated security measures GPT-4o incorporates advanced security measures to ensure safe and ethical interactions with AI.

For example, it uses filtering of training data to minimize the risk of bias and misinformation, and post-training model behavior tuning to ensure responsible use.

These safety measures are essential to guarantee user confidence and prevent abuses.

Current limits

Although GPT-4o is a significant advance in the field of AI, it still has certain limitations.

For example, it may struggle to handle complex contexts or subtle nuances in multimodal interactions.

In addition, its large-scale use can pose challenges in terms of cost, security and ethics.

Availability and access

GPT-4o is gradually being deployed in ChatGPT, with text and visual features available now.

Free level users and Plus subscribers benefit from increased message limits, which is useful for intensive use.

Developers can also access GPT-4o via the API, with audio and video capabilities planned for launch with trusted partners in the coming weeks.

GPT-4o / GPT-4 Turbo comparison

To better understand the advantages of GPT-4o over its predecessor, here’s a detailed comparison of the two models:

FeatureGPT-4oGPT-4 Turbo
Popup windowCan process up to 8,000 tokensCan process up to 128,000 tokens (approx. 300 pages of text)
MultimodalityCapable of processing text, audio, images and videoLimited to text processing
Knowledge baseUpdated to September 2021Updated to April 2023
Speed/Latency9 times faster than GPT-3.5 and 17 times faster than GPT-4Optimized for increased speed and efficiency over GPT-4
Precision (code generation)Not specifiedAbout 53% of codes correct first time vs. 46% for GPT-.4
Precision (other tasks)Not specifiedScores lower than GPT-4 on some benchmarks like SAT
TokenizationImproved tokenization reducing the number of tokens needed/
Costs50% cheaper than GPT-4 Turbo ($5 per million input tokens, 15 per million output tokens)About 3 times cheaper than GPT-4 for input tokens and 2 times cheaper for output tokens
LimitationsNot specifiedMaximum number of 4,096 output tokens

To find out more about chatGPT, read our articles:

In summary, GPT-4o is a very fast and efficient multimodal AI model with improved tokenization and reduced costs, while GPT-4 Turbo offers a wider contextual window, a more up-to-date knowledge base and enhanced performance for textual processing, despite some limitations in terms of accuracy on specific tasks.

The choice between the two models will therefore depend on the needs and constraints of each user or developer.

GPT-4o is a major breakthrough in the field of AI, opening up new perspectives for varied and innovative applications.

By combining text, audio and image processing capabilities in real time, GPT-4o enables more natural, fluid and efficient human-machine interactions, while guaranteeing advanced safety and ethical measures.