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Anthem Creation - Web & IA agency

The world is entering the age of artificial intelligence... Are you ready?


Our mission

Since the advent of generative AI, we've been helping companies to develop their skills and automate their tasks.

We've learned, experimented and put our processes to the test. We're going to make your company “AI proof”.


We create tailor-made automations that will save you precious time by boosting your marketing and website productivity.

Thanks to no-code tools and AI agents, you'll be able to attract and retain more customers while improving your day-to-day efficiency.


Turn AI into a powerful lever for your business!

Get continuous training in AI to master every aspect of your digital transformation.

Automate and optimize your processes thanks to AI, with tailor-made support.

Our web solutions are also evolving with AI: Website creation, WordPress solutions and integration, and digital marketing are now boosted by artificial intelligence.

Discover our blog

Our blog helps professionals keep their finger on the pulse of artificial intelligence.

Our values

Authenticity and independence at the heart of AI innovation


AI can increase your productivity tenfold, but it doesn't have your vision or intuition, and especially not your ability to create a human bond.

Staying authentic means preserving the very essence of your business.


Mastering AI means giving yourself the means to act and evolve, rather than just endure.

Investing in new skills and training is a strategy that pays off.

Today, more than ever, this autonomy is a strength.

AI automatisation

Automatisez vos tâches et concentrez-vous sur l'essentiel


Simply to free yourself from repetitive or complex tasks and concentrate on your core business.

We develop customized scenarios that connect your applications to save time, improve the customer experience and boost your visibility.


The possibilities are endless... Automate content creation and management, generate reports, synchronize data between different tools, send personalized emails, manage leads and customer follow-up.

Automatic content generation for your website

Publish an AI-powered blog, with multilingual translation.

Gain greater visibility without losing control over the quality of your content.

Automated publication on social networks

Publish automatically to your networks without losing control.

Posts with a format and strategy adapted to each network.

Repetitive tasks

Schedule regular reports, mailing sequences and much more.

Lead automation and project tracking

Capture and exploit leads from forms, e-mails or prospecting campaigns.

AI coaching

AI technology support to free up your time, optimize your business processes, and increase your skills.


Need one-off help?

Book a consulting session for targeted solutions :

  • Rapid diagnosis and advice tailored to your challenges.
  • One-off training on a specific AI tool or technology.
  • Customized support (guides, automation blueprints) to solve specific problems.


Anthem Création offers you personalized 1v1 coaching to integrate artificial intelligence into your business.

  • Skills enhancement : Thanks to our customized coaching, you'll master advanced AI tools and gain in autonomy.
  • Automation : Optimize your processes by automating repetitive tasks, and focus on your core business.

Ready to take AI to the next level?

I'm curious to find out more
I'm ready to get involved in the project
I am ready to implement concrete recommendations

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